long-tailed mole câu
barred long-tailed cuckoo
Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx montanusCu cu đuôi dài vạch sọc, Cercococcyx montanus

greater long-tailed hamster
Species T. triton - Greater Long-tailed Hamster, also called Korean HamsterLoài T. Triton — Greater hamster đuôi dài, hay gọi là Korean...

long-tailed chinchilla
The short-tailed chinchilla has a shorter tail, thicker neck, and shorter ears than the long-tailed chinchilla.Sóc Chinchilla đuôi ngắn...

long-tailed duck
Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)Vịt đuôi dài (Clangula hyemalis) Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis).Vịt đuôi dài (Clangula hyema...

long-tailed fiscal
Long-tailed Fiscal Lanius cabanisiFiscal đuôi dài, Lanius cabanisi

long-tailed goral
Long-tailed goral (N. caudatus)Ban linh đuôi dài (N. caudatus)

long-tailed marmot
Long-tailed marmot, golden marmot, or red marmot, M. caudata found in central AsiaMacmot đuôi dài, macmot vàng, hay macmot đỏ, Marmota ...

long-tailed myna
Long-tailed Myna, Mino krefftiSáo đuôi dài, Mino kreffti

long-tailed pangolin
Manis tetradactyla, Long-tailed Pangolin.Manis tetradactyla / Long-tailed pangolin/ Tê tê đuôi dài

long-tailed tit
The Shima-Enaga is a type of long-tailed tit that lives only in Hokkaido.Shima-Enaga là một loại chim sẻ đuôi dài chỉ sống tại Hokkaido...

long-tailed weasel
Long-tailed Weasel - Mustela frenataChồn đuôi dài, Mustela frenata Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenataChồn đuôi dài, Mustela frenata L...

What the hell are you doing? But you really ought to have that mole checked.Nhưng anh thực sự phải đi khám cái nốt ruồi đấy đi. Oh yea...

I tailed him to a pub last night where he met a bloke.Tôi bám đuôi hắn đến quán rượu tối qua, hắn gặp một gã. She tailed after me, she...

as blind as a mole
I confess that I have been as blind as a mole, but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all.Thú thật với anh tôi...

eastern mole
The eastern mole has few natural enemies.Rắn chàm phương Đông có rất ít kẻ thù tự nhiên.

european mole
There are many different species of mole across the world, but it is the European Mole (Talpa europaea) that is found in the UK.chỉ có ...

golden mole
A golden mole.Chột chũi vàng (golden mole).

hydatidiform mole
Retained hydatidiform moleBệnh Hydatidiform Mole Retained hydatidiform moleBệnh Hydatidiform Mole Symptoms of hydatidiform moleBệnh Hy...

mole cricket
What is that? - Mole cricket. Wanna try?Có ai muốn ăn món này ko? At this point the name was changed to "Mole Cricket", after the name...

mole fraction
Mole fraction of water: 55.51/58.59 = 0.947Phần mol của nước: 55,51/58,59 = 0,947 Example: Determine the mole fraction of NaCl in a so...

mole ratio
The first is to compare the actual mole ratio of the reactants to the mole ratio of the balanced chemical equation.Đầu tiên là so sánh ...

senkaku mole
The largest island, Diaoyu Dao or Uotsuri Jima has some rare species, including the Senkaku mole or the Mugeri Uchidai and the Okinawa-...

mexican mole lizard
The Mexican mole lizard is so rare that it’s almost mythical.Thằn lằn nốt ruồi Mεχісо hiếm đến nỗi nó gần như thần thoại. The Mexican ...

mole national park
What: In Ghana’s Mole National Park, lion numbers have declined by more than 90 per cent in 40 years.Tại công viên quốc gia Mole, Ghana...

naked mole-rat
Naked mole-rat, one of two eusocial species in the BathyergidaeChuột dũi trụi lông, một trong hai loài có tính xã hội cao của Bathyergi...